Tips For Young Participants Managing Occupational Therapy Through The NDIS


For children and adolescents who are still developing their skills and learning about their personal capabilities, it can be very beneficial to be registered with occupational therapy in Youth Living Skills through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Participants under the age of 65 who have a specified diagnosed condition from a medical professional can apply to be part of this program.

With a mixture of public and private sector expertise, families who are struggling with a son or daughter’s condition can request assistance from Youth Living Skills and take part in a program that works to combat their issues directly.

From minor deficiencies including learning difficulties or behavioural problems to severe cases with spinal injuries or downs syndrome, every young participant should feel empowered to have the right level of care for their circumstances.

Here we will outline some tips for those parents, guardians and carers who are tasked with overseeing this program alongside the professionals.

Develop a Routine

It can be small details that underlines whether or not occupational therapy through the NDIS will work. Parents and guardians can accelerate their improvement by working on a daily routine, including the right times to wake up and go to bed, when to get ready for school, allocating play time outdoors, socializing with others and eating a healthy diet. This is a principle that applies outside of the OT realm, but it can be just as effective for youngsters trying to manage through difficult circumstances.

Getting Physical and Active

Physical exercise is paramount to engaging in occupational therapy through the NDIS, allowing for a healthy body to produce a healthy mind. By using toys, playing sports or simply running around in the fresh air and sunshine can do wonders for their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Scientifically this is a domain where endorphins are released and the stress and tension experienced can quickly evaporate. People are at their happiest and healthiest when they engage in fun physical activities and this is a tip that can work in their favour in between engaging in mundane or repetitive tasks.

Having Open Relationship With School Hierarchy and Teachers

child with down syndrome hugging her teacher

Young participants who are registered with occupational therapy through the NDIS should not suffer with their schoolwork because they have external exercises and commitments. This is a domain that is crucial to their development and to achieve the best possible results, it is paramount that the school understands the challenges experienced by the individual and can enjoy an open, transparent relationship where programs can be crafted and designed according to those unique requirements. That might see the inclusion of a teacher’s aid who has a background in behavioural science and specialised learning.

Making Targets and Objectives Visual

Even for parents and adults who are not directly dealing with occupational therapy through the NDIS, it is always helpful to have visual aids and markers to guide you through a working week. This can arrive in the form of a calendar or diary where certain goals and objectives are listed in big bold letters. From playing a sports game to completing a school project, learning how to bath or independently put clothes on or partake in household chores – these tasks should be outlined in clear detail and by passing them, they can be rewarded. It will allow the parents, guardians and professionals to track progress as much as the child or adolescent themselves.


There will be strong support networks in place to ensure young participants of occupational therapy through the NDIS have the best chance of success. Yet this is not an exercise carried out in isolation. If parents or guardians are in a position to work on these objectives in between consultations, that will provide a framework for the specialist to boost productivity and reach the targets in a quicker timeframe.