How To Work Productively With Sydney Family Lawyers


If you find yourself separating from your partner, then it can be a time of great uncertainty and emotional stress. Ending a relationship that your predicted would last for the rest of your life can throw everything into shambles and you will likely need the help of a professional solicitor to help you navigate the rough waters ahead.

If you live in metropolitan New South Wales, then you’ll probably want to search for effective Sydney family lawyers so that they can counsel you on what to do next. However, all legal practitioners work differently and you will need to understand some basic concepts so that you can have the most productive possible partnership with the one you have hired to represent you.

Let’s take a look at how you can ensure that you work productively with any of the Sydney family lawyers you decided to engage.


1: Understand what they can help you with

First and foremost, you need to understand what exactly your Sydney family lawyer is going to be able to do for you. If you don’t have any clue about what they are capable of, you won’t be able to work with them effectively.

Your solicitor will be able to help you primarily with finalizing a divorce, property settlement and child custody disputes. There are several other areas they can work with you on but those are the main 3.


Your solicitor will be able to help you with acquiring, filling out and submitting the necessary paperwork in order to file for a legally recognized divorce. They are also able to serve divorce papers to your ex-partner or to their solicitor.

Property Settlement

Your legal expert can help you can your former partner come to a negotiated settlement that is favourable for each partner. This may involve you and your ex-partner or may simply be conducted between both of your solicitors.

During this process, your Sydney family lawyer may make use of their skills in ADR (alternative dispute resolution) which is an advanced negotiating tactic. In these cases, the court prefers that disputing parties come to an agreed settlement.

If no agreement can be reached, your solicitor can litigate you case in court for you.

Child Custody

Just like property settlement, the court prefers that arrangements with regards to the custody of children are handled amicably outside of the courtroom. However, solicitors are routinely engaged in litigation regarding child custody and you may need to consider this option.

child custody


2: Make sure you have clear lines of communication

In order to work effectively with the Sydney family lawyer you have engaged, you will need a clear way to communicate with them. This could mean having frequent phone calls or even just a weekly face-to-face meeting.

It’s essential that you are able to communicate with your solicitor as only they will be able to translate your thoughts and feelings into practical action. Do not withhold anything from them, even if you are embarrassed by it, as they will handle the situation objectively and protect your best interests.


3: Don’t second guess their expertise

While it’s ok to disagree with your solicitor, you shouldn’t openly dismiss their legal opinion just because you don’t like the sound of it. If they believe you need to sacrifice some things to get an ideal property settlement then you should take their advice seriously as they will have a better idea of what is legally possible than you.

Being too stubborn to meet half-way with your former partner will just make the process longer and more stressful. When you engage Sydney family lawyers, you need to take their expertise seriously otherwise there’s no point getting professional help.