How hiring a digital marketing agency will help your business grow

A digital marketing agency is a company which helps aid businesses with their digital presence. This can mean ensuring that their website is getting noticed in all of the right places, that they are fully utilising social media accounts, and that their web design is at a professional level. Most commonly, a digital marketing agency will help a business grow by implementing SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) techniques. What this means is that techniques are used to ensure that a website will show up in relevant search engine results. Search engine companies such as Google, Ecosia, and Yahoo will allow users to type in a query into a search bar. A common query could be “where are good hairdressers near me”. The search engine site will then show pages of results in order of relevance to the searcher. For example, if the searcher is located in Queensland, then hairdressers in Queensland are going to show up at the top of the results. But out of all of the hairdressers in Queensland, how do search engine sites know which ones to show first? This is where SEO steps in. Techniques are used so that the algorithms used by search engine companies will pick up a website and deem it as a reliable and reputable source that they can show higher up in search engine results.

How does higher search engine rankings help my business?

When a website is shown higher in search engine results, it makes it more likely that a searcher will click on that website. Many studies have been conducted which have shown that searchers rarely scroll past the first page of results. This means that it is imperative for a website to show up on that first page at the very least. When more people are clicking through to a site this makes it more likely that they will a) sign up for a newsletter, b) purchase a product, c) sign up for a service, d) view advertising on that site, and e) talk about that website or brand to another person. All of these things are super important when it comes to building a successful business. In addition to this, a digital marketing agency will help a business show up in search results for their target audience, making it even more likely that they will become a customer or client when they click through to a website that interests them.